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School Partners Program



Oklahoma Flute Society welcomes all band directors and music educators to attend any of its events free of charge.  No advance notice is necessary—just notify the attendants at the admissions table when you arrive.

In addition, your flute students (up to grade 12), who are not OFS members and who would like to see what we have to offer, can be given limited free access to concerts and the exhibit hall.  We hope this will encourage participation and increase membership.  In exchange, we ask that these prospective members provide us with their contact information.  Additional classes and lectures, as well as participation in recitals and competitions, will require payment of the membership fee. 


Parents of participants are always admitted to our events free of charge. 


If you have a student who would like to be an OFS member, but is unable to meet the financial requirements, we encourage you to nominate that student for a Community Outreach Scholarship. Information and an application form are under the Outreach tab above.

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