Dear Renewing and Potential Sponsors of the Oklahoma Flute Society,
We are looking forward to another exciting year of fluting activities and hope you will be able to join us! The highlight of our year will be our 30th Annual Flute Fair on Friday and Saturday, March 28-29th at the University of Central Oklahoma. We are honored to be hosting GREG PATTILLO of Project Trio. The Flute Fair will also include our annual Collegiate Competition, presentations by various flutists, flute choir performances, and master classes with Greg Pattillo. In addition, there will be a premiere of the OFS new commission for piccolo by renowned composer Amanda Harberg in veneration and memory of Feodora Steward.
Last year’s Friday night Trunk Show was a success and we will again be offering this additional time for you to meet with customers. The Collegiate Competition will take place Friday night, as well as a rehearsal of the commissioned flute choir piece, so there will be several in attendance that evening. We are open to your ideas for making this a successful event for you.
Other events planned for 2024-2025 include clinics for regional and all-state honor band auditions, our Members’ Recital, performances by the Honor Flute Choirs and Adult Flute Choir, and the annual Solo & Ensemble Festival and Outstanding High School Soloist competition.
We are grateful for your sponsorship which helps us continue to make a difference for flutists in our state. Sponsorship Levels:
SILVER $50 -- Silver sponsors are invited to exhibit at our live events (1 table provided) or present a 15-minute Showcase at virtual events. They are acknowledged in all programs and on our website.
GOLD $100 -- In addition to the above, Gold sponsors will be recognized with a business card sized graphic and short statement in our programs and on the website. Two tables are provided at live event exhibits.
PLATINUM $150 -- In addition to all of the above, Platinum sponsors will be recognized with a quarter page graphic in programs and on the website, and will be prominently acknowledged in our publicity, including the homepage of our website. In addition, all Platinum sponsors will be recognized through our membership email communications and social media at least once per year. Four tables are provided at live event exhibits.
Sponsorship contracts and payment options (PayPal or check) can be found on our website. Please respond by October 1 to take full advantage of your sponsorship benefits.
Our desire to promote the flute could not be accomplished without your support of the Oklahoma Flute Society. We appreciate any level of sponsorship that you can contribute to our organization.
Noah Pool
OFS Sponsor Chair